Best Ways To Keep Your Home Secure When You Leave On Winter Holiday


Winter is a great time to get away from home and go somewhere warm and tropical. Unfortunately, worrying about your property while you're away can ruin the vacation experience. If you're thinking about leaving on a vacation this winter, these tips will help keep your home safe in your absence.

Make Your Home Look Occupied

Burglars and intruders are often attracted to homes that look unoccupied. One of the best ways that you can prevent intruders from turning their attention to your home is to maintain the appearance that you're currently at home. These tips will help you maintain the appearance that you're on the property, even if you're hundreds of miles away:

  • Put timers on the lights and television. Put timers on your home lights and television so they'll come on at random in the evening.
  • Have a neighbor shovel the driveway. Shoveling your walkway is a good indicator that someone is at home.
  • Have your mail held at the post office. This makes it look like your mail is being collected in the evening.
  • Have a neighbor park in your driveway. This ensures there's a car in your driveway at night.
  • Get a house-sitter. Pay someone to stop in on a regular basis. Having a person on the premises will help you maintain the appearance that you are on the premises. If you don't want to pay a house sitter, ask a neighbor to check in.

Get Security Screens on the Windows

Security screens are so tough that they can't be cut by a knife, which means they can help keep out intruders. Replace your old screens with security screens to give your home a level of added protection.

Replace Exterior Doors

Exterior doors that don't have a solid core are really easy to break down. To increase your home's security, install new solid-core steel or wooden doors.

Invest in a Home Security System

One of the best ways that you can increase security in your home before you leave on winter vacation is to invest in a home security system. Home security systems provide peace of mind when you're away by monitoring your home's status and alerting you when there's a problem. Your home security system can also stop intruders by sounding an alarm that will deter them from proceeding with a break in. For more information about how you can improve your home's security before you leave on winter break, contact a home security company like Videotec Corporation. Your customer service representative can answer your questions.


12 January 2016

Understanding Basic and Advanced Security Systems

Hi everyone. I’m Eddie. Welcome to my blog. I would like to talk to you about security systems for homes and businesses. Although crime has steadily decreased over the years, it is still a wise choice to protect yourself from intruders. If someone enters your home or business, they could wreak havoc on your livelihood and sense of security. I will use this site to explore all of the ways you can secure your building and property. I will cover both basic and advanced systems that automatically monitor the area. Please follow along on my site to learn more about security systems. Thanks.